From Author, John M. Whiddon comes a compilation of short stories about growing up in a small town and chasing the elusive wild turkey:
Ron Manasa shared his review with the author.
“Just finished Podurs. And you can bet money I’m not going to hurry through this gen of a book and some of the best stories ever told. You nailed it my friend!!! Wonderfully woven heartwarming stories, down home humor that never fails, full of historical facts and master turkey hunter advice, and the writing itself is a masterpiece”.
For the good part of eight decade, the author of this colleciton of dubious wild turke potpourri has been chasing feahters. Whiddon was born and spent the majority of his life in Chattahoochee, Florida, where, incidentally, the state mental institution is located. Except for a four-year hiatus in the Unitated States Air force during the Vietnam era and various excursions around the globe (generally in pursuit of feathered creatures), he has not strayed far from the Florida Panhandle. Although his obsession with America’s greates game bir has been his lifelong passion and reason for being, he has masquerated as a college professor at Florida State University and held various adminstrative positions in other public service facades before retirement. He retired the first time in 1995 and, at last count, six or seven different times since. For Whiddon, hobbies somehow turn into jobs. To support his primary addiction, he has been forced to launch several successful entrepreneurial ventures, including a healthcare regulatory consulting business and an Argentinian outfitting company. He’s even authored several fictional mystery novels, that can be previewed below. He has traveled the globe for both business and pleasure. Somehow, he has remained married for fifty-seven years and has a mixed pair of kids and a precious, precocious granddaughter, with whom this book is dedicated.
Those Gobblin Thangs is a collection of “literary” (used loosely) endeavors composed over a forty-year period, which exposes the indisputable nuance that old men never grow up.
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