"In his first novel "THE SUNSHINE SHENANIGAN"", I could not wait to get to the sequel. Now, after reading "The FI$CAL AGENT" I don't want it to end."
— Patsy
"Normally sequels are not as good as the initial story. This may not be the case with Whiddon's sequel to "THE SUNSHINE SHENANIGAN" titled "THE FI$CAL AGENT"? Let's just say I really enjoyed them both and can't wait to see what he does with the final part of the trilogy."
— Brian
"Whiddon has a unique way of integrating narrative and dialogue in a manner that allows the reader to capture more than just a glimpse of the characters. If you close your eyes and allow someone to read it out loud, you can easily visualize the characters. I don't see how he can top his first two novels, but I'm not going to be surprised at anything he comes up with from here on out!"
— Cheryl